Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I hope others got to check out some of the museums this past Sunday for the Austin Museum Day. Luckily I was able to visit four different ones. I went to the Computer Museum and saw some amazing older pieces of technology, games, and robots. At the Mexic-Arte museum , people were making paper mache heads! The Texas Music Museum had loads of information about many musicans and a live band was playing! There was a very interesting exhibit respresenting the life and works of Edgar Allan Poe at the Ramson Center on the University of Texas campus! I learned so much about this famous writer.

I had a great educational experience at the museums. Please send me a post on the comment section of this blog, and tell me about your museum experiences; even if it was not this weekend, but any time you can remember.


This week we are learning about the wind. We are making pin wheels, checking the weather forecasts for wind direction and speed. We will also be making a wind sock, barometer, and another invention to see if we can capture tiny particles that blow with the wind.
The local Wal Mart donated some Betta Fish to our school. The 2nd graders are keeping a daily journal about the fish in their classroom. The students will be feeding and taking care of the ones in Room 101 and the integration lab.
Remember to ask your 3rd and 4th grader about the word of the week.... altruism.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Free museum visits in Austin

Students and parents..... Check this out.... Austin Museum Partnership is hosting the annual Austin Museum Day on Sunday, September 20, 2009.... FREE!
website link http://www.austinmuseums.org/

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How Hot Air Balloons Work

Try this site to see how hot air balloons work. Also, great site to see how "lots of stuff" works.
We had a great week learning a bit about hot air balloons and heat. We made model air balloons and flew them. We use kidspiration and wordle to help us with our word of the week, "prodigious". Third and Fourth graders will have a new word on Monday. With the younger students, the word of the week was "nourish". We will still be working on that one a little longer. Some of the students have become pretty quick on solving the "Daily Puzzle". A few fourth graders were able to begin researching a little bit about wind. We will spend some time this upcoming week discovering more about wind and wind currents.